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Tag Archives: iphone

 Funny Pictures

…why can’t we keep it together?

So, I sat through a lecture on the School of Information Sciences today in a communication class. The speaker was talking about how quickly information technology is changing, and, of course, he mentioned blogging. And other people have mentioned blogging to me lately, asking me to post this or that to my blog. One of those people was probably me. As a result of all this, I figured I’d post an update of sorts.

The semester is off to a good start. By “good,” I mean good. I’m at the end of the first full week of classes, and I’ve already done homework in the library twice. I’ve spent about $50 of my supplemental campus bucks (the folks around these parts call them “Dining Dollars”) on things like Starbucks, ice cream, cheese dip, and plenty of Dr. Pepper. I’ve been to two OCF meetings, one of which involved pasta with vodka sauce, some chocolates, and yummy strawberries.
OCF Student Advisory Board stuff is going well, too, though last week I didn’t feel great so my OCF Buddy (an OCF presence on AOL Instant Messenger) shift took a back seat to sleep, and this week it got overlooked because I had just gotten in after looking for a parking space for about 30-40 minutes. But, next week will be better, and the week after will be much better because I’ll be in Pittsburgh for the spring SAB meeting. Which means friends. And Sheetz. Joyous day. 🙂

Tiffany and I are going strong, as well. The beginning of the semester brings its stress, of course. But the nights bring opportunities for sleep, and that helps things on all fronts quite a bit. And with the three-day weekend coming up, I think I’ll be signing up for the concurrent three-day workshop in sleep and relaxation techniques, which will be held at my dorm. Space is limited, and the slots are full. So, better luck next time. But, at least I’ll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. (Yeah…until around Tuesday.)

To make a long story short (too late), it’s CRAZY around here. But it’s awesome, too. The OCF podcast feed is finally up on Ancient Faith Radio at, where you can listen to some audio from the East Coast edition of the OCF College Conference. Oh…and there’s a little interview with the keynote speaker conducted by yours truly. It was my first one, and it was pretty cool to do. Maybe I’ll get to do some more for them. That’s definitely a possibility at this point, as is anything, really. There might be some more stuff that will go up, mainly from West Coast…but that’s uncertain right now. It just depends on if the stuff can get tweaked the right way and all of that. We’re really anxious to come together at the meeting in Pittsburgh before we come out with the official first episode of the podcast.  So stay tuned here and go ahead and subscribe at the address above so you can get it fresh when it hits the airwaves.
…or the Internets.

…the tubes?

Well, the above was hacked out on Friday, as you can likely tell, but it didn’t get out of editing until today.  So, let me say that the three-day workshop in sleep and relaxation techniques was fantastic.  It was fully attended and everyone was satisfied with the topics offered this year, and we hope to make it a semi-annual event in the near future.  I’ll let you know when you can get your tickets to the next one.  😉

That’s all for now.  More goodness is on the way as soon as it can get cooked up. Tiffany and I planning on going to Lexington next weekend to stay at a friend’s house and go to church in Nicholasville, so that will surely be an adventure.  Expect cute pictures of my little buddy J.P. and maybe a story or two to come out of it.   Those of you in the Nickville area should email me if you’re available Saturday or Sunday.

Oh…and I’ll post the unnamed thing(s) previously mentioned sometime this week after getting them posted to YouTube.

Before I go, let me plug  It’s an upstart modern apparel Orthodox store (if that’s coherent) that is run by my OCF Chaplain, Fr. Justin Mathews.  Tiff and I highly recommend the “hummus is the new peanut butter” shirt.  Anyway, give him some love and order something.  And tell them Jonathan at the twelve:one blog sent ya.

(I’ve always wanted to be able to say that. 😀 )

[P.S.  Fr. Justin’s CD is pretty good, too.  You can check it out on his website here.  :)]

[P.P.S.  No, he didn’t pay me for this.  But he did promise to let me play with his iPhone for five minutes.  Maybe since I also plugged his great CD, he’ll even turn it on.]

Take care, kids.  We’ll see you soon.